Recent paintings of the San Francisco Bay area by Brian Glover.  All paintings are for sale unless accompanied by a red dot.  Feel free to view the paintings, and E-mail me any comments or questions that you might have.

Click on the thumbnail image to view a larger image of the painting


lossoming Tree




iew of San Francisco


lossoming Tree

cean Beach Windmill #2

cean Beach Windmill #3

cean Beach Windmill#1

ear Two Rock Road

alo Alto Foothills

olden Gate Bridge

onoma County Beach

ineyard and road

olden Gate Bridge #2

iew of Angel Island

lcatraz and Angel Island

iew of Alcatraz

cean Beach Morning

cean Beach

cean Beach Afternoon

cean from Hill #2

cean from Hill

Sale Information


All paintings are for sale unless accompanied by a red dot.  All 24"X24" are $2,000.  All 48"X48" are $4,000.00.  All 54"X54" are $5,000.00.  "View of Angel Island", which is 19.5"X19.5" is $850.00.  The price includes shipping, handling, and insurance.  At this time I am not accepting credit cards.  Fully insured paintings will be shipped upon receipt of a certified check or money order.  Satisfaction is guaranteed for a full refund for two weeks after receipt of your painting.  A sample contract is available to view. Please feel free to e-mail  any further questions or comments that you may have to  If you are visiting the San Francisco Bay area and would like to view some paintings in person, contact me so that we can arrange a meeting.

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© 2005 Brian Glover